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    Kegel Toner

    Regain bladder control, faster postpartum recovery, Improved sexual performance Take back control of your bladder. Notable results within 1 month Easy to use, the Kegel Toner is cheaper than 1 Month of adult nappies The safe, drug-free and non-surgical solution to the massive problem of urine leaks.
    Product #: 2K00032T

    Whys is your pelvic floor so important

    Your pelvic floor is incredibly important because it helps with bladder control, sexual wellbeing and core stability. Pelvic floor problems like leaking urine, wind and poo are sadly very common. Studies show it can affect 1 in 3 women, and up to 80% of expectant and new mums.

    It can be hard to even find these muscles let alone work them out. Kegel Toner does ALL the work. Just sit back and relax as your incontinence is zapped away.

    Kegel Toner helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by using electrical stimulation to squeeze and relax the muscles. This treatment is very effective in comparison to other alternatives such as surgery.

    What are the top causes of weak pelvic floor muscles?

    1. Pregnancy

    During pregnancy, your pelvic floor muscles act like a hammock. Holding all your baby and your baby weight your pelvic floor stretches to twice its normal size.

    1. Weight gain

    As we get older, we typically put on weight but that’s not unavoidable. The extra weight we carry weakens the pelvic floor because the muscles have more weight to hold up.

    1. Menopause

    hormone levels are decreased which causes skin and muscles to lose some elasticity. Muscle mass is also decreased meaning weaker pelvic floor muscles.

    1. Explosive Exercise

    Jumping, lifting and any other high impact exercise creates pressure that your pelvic floor muscles must absorb. This will make them tired and weaker in the long term.

    Improve your sexual pleasure?

    Strong pelvic floor muscles mean increased sensitivity during sex and stronger orgasms for women. Strengthening and training the pelvic floor muscles can help. In a recent Swedish study, women shared their experiences:

    • 43% of women said that their urinary problems impaired their sex life.
    • 27% of women said they had difficulty reaching orgasm.
    • 49% of women were worried about leaking urine during lovemaking.

    If you lost a grip on your love-life then your pelvic floor might be the cause. If you notice, then so will your partner.

    "A weak pelvic floor means less sensation for both parties. Women get bored; men get restless. Relationships lose potency in direct proportions to pelvic-floor entropy."

    - John Warlock, Sunday Times

    If It’s so easy to fix and has so many benefits, then why do Millions of women in the UK have a weak pelvic floor? Why are women settling with leaks and decreasing sexual pleasure?

    It's just a part of ageing, being a mum and menopause

    False! Wetting yourself and a declining sexual pleasure does not have to be your fate. Your pelvic floor muscles can be toned and restored.

    I can't feel my pelvic floor muscles

    If you can’t find your pelvic muscles, that means they are very weak! Using Kegel exercises won’t help as much at that point b. Whilst you sit back and relax, Kegel Toner will find your muscles and give them a 20-minute work-out better than any manual Kegel.

    Exercises don't work for me.

    The programs are clinically tried and tested. They do work it takes persistence. Women are getting fantastic results in as little as 3 weeks just look at the reviews! You can beat the leaks too!


    • Pelvic floor workout – Targets all pelvic floor muscles for a daily 20-minute workout session.
    • Aftercare Toning – After you beat the leaks, this programme keeps your pelvic muscles in shape and strong. We recommend 2 sessions a week.

    Medically tested and certified

    There have been several clinical trials done on the programmes. We are claiming fantastic and bold statement and every one of them has scientific backing! All clinical studies prove that our programmes treat, cure and prevent pelvic floor dysfunction and the symptoms. We are ISO certified and have been for years.